Prairie Wetland Clips Aquatic and riparian fauna and flora of prairie potholes, marshes and creeks. |
Scroll down to view portfolio of all 51 species clips.
Clips below are 72 dpi GIFs. Clips you'll receive
are 600 dpi TIFFs
Mammals |
mink |
muskrat |
jumping mouse |
Birds |
pied billed grebe |
redhead |
redhead |
mallard |
pintail |
trumpeter swan |
franklin's gull |
black tern |
american bittern |
snowy egret |
avocet |
long billed curlew |
white faced ibis |
northern harrier |
nighthawk |
marsh wren |
redwinged |
yellowheaded |
rusty blackbird |
yellowthroat |
lazuli bunting |
Reptiles & |
western |
redsided |
boreal |
northern |
Fish |
fathead minnow |
plains killifish |
stonecat |
iowa darter |
sand shiner |
central stoneroller |
creek chub |
Invertebrates |
fairy shrimp |
green darner |
Wildflowers |
water clover, |
field horsetail |
saltgrass |
prairie cord grass |
duckweed |
cattail |
bulrush |
wigeon grass, |
sego pondweed, |
great plains |
arrowhead, |
marsh smartweed, |
plains coreopsis |
floating water primrose |
All clip art ©1999-2004 Zackery Zdinak
For additional grassland species also see Short Grass Prairie Clips, Southern
Prairie Clips, Prairie Wetland Clips,
Prairie River Clips and Field & Farm Clips
1. Canyon Clips - 2. Canyon Clips II - 3. SW Aquatic Clips
4. SW Riparian Clips - 5. Ponderosa Forest Clips - 6. Winter Wetlands Clips
7. Sonoran Desert Clips - 8. Chihuahuan Desert Clips - 9. Desert Grasslands Clips
10. Sky Islands Clips - 11. Mojave Desert Clips - 12. Wildlife Tracks Clips
13. Eastern Aquatic Clips - 14. Eastern Riparian Clips - 15. Eastern Forest Clips
16. Field and Farm Clips - 17. Sagebrush Clips - 18. Western Wetland Clips
19. Rocky Mountain Alpine Clips - 20. Rocky Mountain Forest Clips
Zackery Zdinak
Life Drawing & Education
PO Box 1314
Flagstaff, AZ 86002