Native and non-native fish, water birds, invertebrates, mammals, and select plants of the intermountain west's streams, lakes and marshes |
Clips below are 72 dpi GIFs. Clips on CDs are 600 dpi TIFFs.
Mammals |
raccoon |
otter |
beaver |
muskrat |
Birds |
jumping mouse |
moose |
moose |
pied billed grebe |
white pelican |
canada goose |
ruddy duck |
cinnamon teal |
cinnamon teal |
ring neck duck |
canvasback |
mallard |
ringbill gull |
california gull |
black tern |
american bittern |
great blue heron |
sandhill crane |
avocet |
long billed curlew |
spotted sandpiper |
harrier |
bald eagle |
osprey |
short eared owl |
marsh wren |
redwing blackbird |
yellowheaded blackbird |
Reptiles & Amphibians |
wandering garter snake |
pacific treefrog |
northern leopard frog |
bullfrog |
Fish |
bonneville |
lahontan |
colorado river |
bull trout |
northern pike |
walleye |
carp |
speckled dace |
mountain sucker |
mountain whitefish |
channel catfish |
large mouth bass |
black crappie |
Invertebrates |
dragonfly |
caddis fly |
dobson fly |
mosquito |
water strider |
water boatman |
diving beetle |
northern crayfish |
Trees & Shrubs |
fremont cottonwood |
coyote willow |
thinleaf alder |
Flowers & Plants |
cattail |
bulrush |
spatterdock |
duckweed |
sago pondweed |
All clip art ©1999-2012 Zackery Zdinak
For more wetland species, see SW Aquatic Clips, SW Riparian Clips,
Eastern Aquatic Clips, Eastern Riparian Clips, Western Wetland Clips and Extra Clips.
1. Canyon Clips - 2. Canyon Clips II - 3. SW Aquatic Clips
4. SW Riparian Clips - 5. Ponderosa Forest Clips - 6. Winter Wetlands Clips
7. Sonoran Desert Clips - 8. Chihuahuan Desert Clips - 9. Desert Grasslands Clips
10. Sky Islands Clips - 11. Mojave Desert Clips - 12. Wildlife Tracks Clips
13. Eastern Aquatic Clips - 14. Eastern Riparian Clips - 15. Eastern Forest Clips
16. Field and Farm Clips - 17. Sagebrush Clips - 18. Western Wetland Clips
19. Rocky Mountain Alpine Clips - 20. Rocky Mountain Forest Clips
Zackery Zdinak
Life Drawing & Education
PO Box 1314
Flagstaff, AZ 86002