Southern Appalachian Clips CD Flora and fauna in and around the
Cumberland Plateau, |
Scroll down to view portfolio of 59 species clips.
Clips below are 72 dpi GIFs. Clips on CDs are 600
dpi TIFFs.
Mammals |
eastern |
pygmy shrew |
least weasel |
eastern spotted skunk |
coyote |
southern flying |
southern flying |
rock vole, |
woodland vole, |
Birds |
allegheny |
white tailed |
peregrine falcon |
northern |
barred owl |
red headed |
cedar waxwing |
bewick's wren |
red breasted |
robin |
gray catbird |
hermit thrush |
red eyed vireo |
swainson's |
Reptiles & Amphibians |
worm eating |
lark sparrow Chondestes grammacus |
red crossbill |
northern pine snake Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus |
northern |
bog turtle |
helbender |
northern red |
cave |
green salamander Aneides aeneus |
black bellied salamander Desmagnathus quadramaculatus |
pygmy |
jordan's |
yonahlossee |
Trees & Shrubs |
virginia pine |
fraser fir Picea fraserii |
yellow buckeye Aesculus flava |
pawpaw Asimina triloba |
crab apple Malus coronaria |
highland |
redbud |
pirate bush |
sourwood |
Wildflowers & Plants |
climbing fern |
lily leaf |
painted trillium |
dwarf crested iris Iris crestata |
turk's cap lily |
allegheny |
pipevine, |
blue ridge |
springbeauty |
showy gentian |
wild geranium |
woodland |
oconee bells |
All clip art ©1999-2008 Zackery Zdinak
For more eastern species, see Winter Wetlands Clips, Wildlife Tracks Clips
Eastern Aquatic Clips, Eastern Riparian Clips, Field and Farm Clips, and Extra Clips.
1. Canyon Clips - 2. Canyon Clips II - 3. SW Aquatic Clips
4. SW Riparian Clips - 5. Ponderosa Forest Clips - 6. Winter Wetlands Clips
7. Sonoran Desert Clips - 8. Chihuahuan Desert Clips - 9. Desert Grasslands Clips
10. Sky Islands Clips - 11. Mojave Desert Clips - 12. Wildlife Tracks Clips
13. Eastern Aquatic Clips - 14. Eastern Riparian Clips - 15. Eastern Forest Clips
16. Field and Farm Clips - 17. Sagebrush Clips - 18. Western Wetland Clips
19. Rocky Moutain Alpine Clips - 20. Rocky Moutain Alpine Clips - Extra Clips
Life Drawing & Education by Zackery Zdinak
PO Box 1314
Flagstaff, AZ 86002